Life-Changing Couponing Hacks for Beginners

Where do you find the best coupons?

These days, you can find coupons pretty much everywhere — in newspapers and magazines as well as online. Here are a few tips for scoring the best coupons:

– Bookmark a few coupon websites and check them at the beginning of the month since that’s when coupons are issued.

– Follow your favorite brands on social media since many businesses post exclusive deals and coupons on these platforms. 

– The Sunday newspaper is a treasure trove for coupons. So, pick up a few additional copies of it at the dollar store. 

Learn the lingo

If you want to get the most value out of coupons, you need to learn couponing lingo. 

– BOGO or B1G1: If you have a BOGO (or B1G1) coupon, you can buy an item and get another unit of the same item for free. 

– MFQ: This refers to manufacturer coupons (usually, you can stack a manufacturer coupon with a store coupon).

– Peelie: The coupon, in this case, is attached to an item’s packaging. You have to peel off the packaging to collect the coupon. 

How to organize your coupons

You need to organize your coupons so you can find the right ones easily when you need to use them. Here are a few of our favorite coupon organization methods. 

1. Envelopes: This is the oldest (and easiest) way to organize coupons. All you need to do is separate coupons by category and put each pile into a separate envelope. Make sure to label the envelope so you know which one to check for the coupons you need. 

2. Coupon binder: Coupon binders allow you to organize your coupons by category or expiration date. Before you head out, you simply need to go through your coupon binder and pick the coupons you want to use. 

3. Mini accordion folder: If you don’t have too many coupons but still want to keep the ones you have organized, you may want to consider investing in a mini accordion folder. You can carry the folder with you to outlets and flip the pages to find the coupons you need.